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Customer Reviews

FIERCE COMMITMENT & COMPASSION FOR DADS! I have known these attorneys since 2008 and am floored at the COMMITMENT and COMPASSION for their clients. When holiday custody exchanges got contentious, they took calls on Christmas Eve. When domestic violence accusations were made, they jumped-up to help AFTER midnight. I've seen first-hand how they are hard-working, hardcore advocates, and I have recommended them many times.

Mark D.

I am a father of two kids and a project manager. My divorce was the first process in my life that I had no idea how to manage despite having a career working with people and two advanced degrees. My (then) wife simply dropped all communication and I could not get her to talk about the roadmap for separation and divorce even though we still lived under the same roof (and it was her idea). After being in this situation for over a year, I was getting depressed. I had consulted an attorney who had recommended me to just give my would-be-ex everything that she wanted. Then I found Ms Moheyer's support group and it changed my life. Every other week, for years, she has led this call-in forum for fathers at different stages of their divorce situations - pro bono, as community service! That group gave me the knowledge of what's possible and the confidence to be able to move things forward. In addition, I took an online workshop (the best $100 spent in my life) and got the tips on establishing dialogue with the partner that leads to re-establishing the degree of mutual trust enough to complete the divorce. Several month later, we were able to nail down some bullet points that were appropriate for us and helped us avoid litigation. We filed for mutual consent divorce with property separation and shared custody, and several more months later this was done. I still can't believe that in a matter of nine months, Ms Mohyer's support group and her workshop resources helped me get from a very dark place to personal freedom, stamped and approved by the court in MD. I still attend the support group to discuss the challenges of co-parenting, and this experience is invaluable. Here is why I would recommend this attorney: *she never pushes services on you. Instead, she lays out the options and I saved a lot by doing the things I had an option of doing the prep work by myself (like collecting some paperwork) that another attorney would have done at a handsome hourly rate). *She uses psychology to provide tools that enable some kind of dialogue between parties, making the process less painful and less expensive. I have recommended Ms Jennifer Moheyer to a number of friends, and now that my divorce is in the past and the "paper is dry", I hope someone in a similar situation (in DC, MD, VA) can get assistance.

Andriy C.

I’m a disabled combat veteran, father of two. I had just gone through major surgery, wasn’t working, and a false protective Order left me homeless with no access to my children.
My custody and divorce battle ensued and it was extremely grueling, especially once I got a job out of state.
Jenna & John were available to speak with me day and night, weekends and holidays. They both made time to STRATEGIZE the best way forward.
This firm is set up to help men by charging flat-rates as opposed to paying by the hour. You can also choose affordable DIY packages to help you economize. They are also willing to work with your specific situation, and I am extremely thankful that I met and have Jenna & John in my corner and on my team, representing me to help through such a horrible time.

N’Gai P.