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Father’s Rights Attorney in Washington, D.C. Fiercely Protecting Dads, and Their Legal Rights

If you are a father who is going through a divorce or has never been married but has a child, you must understand your legal rights. In today’s modern world, the father’s role is placed in a higher regard than in previous generations, where it was assumed the mother was the best caregiver in single-parent homes.

For this reason, men have been successful in their quest to have more quality time with their children and play a more significant role as a parent. However, in many situations, men are initially denied their father’s rights leading to parental alienation.

However, there are legal options available that men can utilize to ensure they have the parenting time they need to establish a bond with their children.

If you are a father who has been denied their rights, immediately contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C. Our skilled attorney will gladly review your case and determine your legal options.

What Rights Do Unmarried Fathers Have in the District of Columbia?

Under D.C. law, the mother automatically has full legal custody if a child is born to unmarried parents. However, fathers must first establish paternity if they wish to exercise their parental rights.

There are two methods available to establish paternity which include:

  •  Acknowledgment of Paternity: If the parents of a child are unmarried, they can voluntarily sign the Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP). Once the form has been completed, the father would not need to go to court to establish paternity. At this point, the father’s name would be added to the birth certificate.
  •  Court Order: If there is a dispute as to the parentage of the child, the court would order a DNA test to be performed to establish paternity. If it is determined the petitioner is the child’s biological father, other parental issues can be determined concerning visitation rights and child support.

If you wish to try and establish paternity, you will need the help of a knowledgeable attorney who can explain your legal rights and options. If your only alternative is to use the court system to substantiate paternity, our law firm can advise you on the legal process so you understand the next steps you need to take.

Why Can a Father’s Parental Rights Be Terminated?

By law, either parent can have their parental rights terminated by the court. Typically, the grounds for termination of parental rights stem from an individual’s abuse or neglect of their child.

Some of the legal grounds that could cause you to lose your parental rights and the ability to have legal custody of your child include:

  •  Failing to support the child.
  •  Knowingly placing the child in danger.
  •  Felony criminal conviction/sexual offenses
  •  Child abuse/domestic violence
  •  Abandonment
  •  The murder of one parent by the other.

If you are facing your parental rights being terminated, you will need a strong ally in your corner who will not be afraid to stand up for your rights.

However, in some instances, the father wishes to have their rights terminated. No matter your legal issues regarding the termination of parental rights, you will need a highly qualified lawyer who can advocate on your behalf. The Fathers’ Rights Firm is dedicated to assisting fathers with their complex legal needs.

Can Your Law Firm Help Me With Child Custody Legal Issues?

Even if you have been married to the child’s mother or have established paternity, you may still need help with visitation rights. In some cases, a former wife or mother may try to withhold the child for their own reasons, making it challenging to form a close emotional bond.

Nevertheless, legal options are available to help you have proper parenting time with your child. For example, we can file a petition for contempt of court citing the other parent’s refusal to allow visitation. If the other parent is found to be in violation of the visitation order, they could be fined or ordered to serve jail time.

If you have been denied visitation with your child, there are some steps you must take to strengthen your case, which include:

  •  Document each violation and include the time, date of the incident, and pertinent details.
  •  Contact law enforcement and alert them to the situation.
  •  File a request for a modification for an updated visitation plan requesting the court enforce or issue sanctions if the other parent does not abide by the new plan.

Additionally, if you have visitation issues, it is always best to speak with an attorney who can inform you of your legal rights and determine the best legal strategy for your situation.

What Makes Your Family Law Firm Stand Out Above Others?

The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C., is passionately committed to helping fathers establish healthy and strong relationships with their children. However, we realize obstacles often must be overcome to have that close bond.

Our law firm is proud of our advocacy as we strive to help fathers during this challenging time in their lives. Unfortunately, many divorce attorneys cater to women’s needs without regard for fathers’ rights. However, our law firm is unique as we offer legal assistance to ensure that a father’s rights are not overlooked or forgotten.

We strive to treat each client with the care and compassion they deserve as they work to navigate through the complex legal system. However, we do not believe in giving up and will use various legal strategies to secure your rights.

If you have issues with seeing your child as your visitation schedule requires or need help learning how to establish paternity, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm at 1-877-CUSTODY to schedule a strategy session with our experienced attorney.