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Domestic Violence Attorney in Washington, D.C. Providing Compassionate Legal Services For Clients

If you are a man accused of domestic violence, you will need a strong legal defense to protect you from the negative consequences of a conviction. Even if you are charged with domestic violence, you could be forced to move out of your home, be limited in your interaction with your children, and have a criminal record.

However, when most individuals hear domestic violence, they automatically think about men abusing women. Nevertheless, men are frequently the victims of domestic violence cases. Regrettably, many male domestic abuse victims suffer in silence due to the stigma attached to this type of violent crime.

Regardless of how you became involved in a domestic violence case, you will need an attorney unafraid to stand up for your rights. Therefore, you need a legal advocate who fights to ensure your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

If you would like to learn what type of assistance our law firm can provide, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C. can offer you the legal representation you need to have the confidence to move forward.

What is Considered Domestic Violence in the District of Columbia?

D.C. law does not have a specific definition regarding domestic violence. Instead, there are legal guidelines that govern personal violence between individuals. Some of the guidelines that are included in domestic abuse situations include:

  •  Individuals who have lived together.
  •  Individuals who share a mutual residence.
  •  Individuals who are currently married, have been married in the past, or are in a current domestic partnership.
  •  Individuals who currently are or were in sexual, romantic, or dating relationships.

Most people equate domestic violence with physical abuse and threatening behavior. However, often an abuser will engage in other aspects of domestic violence, which also may include:

  •  Economic abuse
  •  Emotional abuse
  •  Harassment/Intimidation
  •  Mental abuse
  •  Stalking
  •  Sexual abuse
  •  Verbal abuse

If you have been accused of abuse, it is in your best interest to hire a domestic violence attorney who can advise you of your legal rights and build a defense strategy to fight the allegations.

What Should I Do if I Have Been the Victim of Domestic Abuse?

If you have been the victim of domestic violence, there are steps you can take to ensure your safety and protect yourself from future abuse. First, if you have been a victim of domestic violence, you can go to court to seek a Civil Protection Order (CPO). A CPO is a court order issued by a judge that will limit the amount of contact the abuser can have with the victim.

Additionally, other court orders may be issued against the abuser depending on the circumstances involved in the case, such as an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) that limits the recipient’s access to firearms and ammunition.

However, you should know that a restraining order differs from a CPO. Typically, restraining orders in the D.C. area are only issued when individuals engage in civil litigation against each other.

If you are concerned that your abuser is not in police custody and may still be a danger to you, it may be wise to go to another location, such as a shelter or residence unfamiliar to them.

Fortunately, D.C. has laws in place that can protect children from future abuse. For example, obtaining a CPO will limit the amount of interaction your abuser has with the children. In addition, a family court may often grant temporary sole custody based on domestic violence allegations.

Our domestic violence victim lawyer can assist you by helping you obtain a CPO and advising you of other legal options that may be available depending on the circumstances of the case. Contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm and ask to schedule a meeting to learn more about how you can fully protect yourself.

How Can a Domestic Violence Allegation Affect a Divorce Case?

Being charged with domestic violence during a divorce or child custody case could negatively affect your chances of a favorable outcome. For example, a domestic violence charge may cause a family court judge to grant sole custody to the other parent. Subsequently, you could also be ordered to have only supervised visitation with your child and complete mandatory counseling classes.

Another little-known fact is that domestic abuse charges could affect how a judge ultimately divides marital property and spousal support. For this reason, you will need a skilled domestic violence lawyer on your side who can provide solid legal assistance on your behalf.

How Can a Domestic Violence Victim Lawyer Help Me With My Legal Needs?

If you are facing a domestic violence charge, you must take immediate action to ensure your future is protected. A domestic violence conviction cannot be sealed or expunged. A criminal record can haunt you for the rest of your life, making it difficult to obtain certain types of employment, housing, or even get into the higher learning institution of your choice.

Conversely, if you are a man who has been a victim of domestic violence from your spouse or partner, you have the right to live your life without abuse and feel safe. In a case where you are a man who has been harmed by an abuser, you will need an experienced domestic violence victim attorney who understands how to provide the legal help you need.

Regardless of your legal needs, you must have solid legal representation who can help you navigate the complex legal process. Our entire legal team is passionately committed to protecting clients’ rights. So whether you need domestic violence defense or an ally who can provide legal advice on how to leave a volatile relationship, The Fathers’ Rights Firm is here and really to assist you.

Contact our law office at 1-877-CUSTODY to schedule an appointment so that we may review your case and determine your legal options.