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Alimony Attorney in Washington, D.C. Assisting Clients With Spousal Support Legal Issues

If you are going through or considering a divorce, you are most likely concerned about how you will adjust to your new life and how you will deal with financial issues. One of the main concerns for men is their ability to pay alimony, or spousal support, over time.

However, it is essential to remember that not all divorces are the same. Often, a judge may award temporary alimony when a couple separates until a settlement can be reached in court proceedings.

Men should be aware that Washington, D.C.’s alimony laws are gender-neutral, meaning that either ex-husband or ex-wife can be ordered to support their former spouse. If you would like to learn more about how we may be able to assist you with your alimony issues, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C. and ask to schedule a strategy session with our family law attorney.

When is a Former Spouse Entitled to Alimony?

One of the most common concerns for couples going through a divorce can often revolve around child support and alimony issues. Washington, D.C., has laws that stipulate a family court judge may order alimony at any time during separation or divorce proceedings or at the close of cases.

There are many factors that a judge will carefully consider before submitting a court order for a spousal maintenance award. However, some of the most common factors the family court considers when determining if alimony is appropriate include:

  •  The duration of the marriage.
  •  The ability of the spouse seeking alimony to support themselves.
  •  The age of both parties.
  •  The financial resources, marital property, and income of each party.
  •  Parental obligations of the custodial parent if children are involved in the divorce action.
  •  The standard of living the spouse seeking alimony enjoyed prior to the divorce.
  •  The circumstances surrounding the spouse’s desire to obtain a divorce, such as prior domestic violence issues.

If you still need help understanding the factors a court will consider when determining if an ex-spouse should be awarded alimony, contact the law office of The Fathers’ Rights Firm in Washington, D.C., to schedule an appointment. Our highly qualified spousal support attorney can gladly answer your questions and explain your legal options.

What Types of Alimony Are Awarded in Washington D.C.?

If you reside in Washington, D.C., three types of alimony may be awarded. It is crucial to remember that every divorce is different and spousal support is not necessarily consistently awarded.

However, when it is determined that alimony is appropriate, the judge has the option of three choices. These choices include:

  •  Temporary alimony: Also referred to as temporary maintenance, this type of support is often ordered while a divorce is still in court proceedings. After the case is settled, the order for temporary spousal support may be terminated. However, depending on the divorce settlement, the court may order an alternative form of alimony.
  •  Rehabilitative alimony: Rehabilitative alimony is the most frequently awarded spousal support awarded in the D.C. area. This type of support payment is meant to give the receiving spouse more time to find a job or pursue higher education through college or technical training so they can increase their earning capacity and become financially independent.
  •  Permanent spousal maintenance: In most instances, permanent alimony is rarely awarded but is instead reserved for cases where the receiving spouse’s age of health limits their ability to become financially independent.

How Are Alimony Payment Amounts Determined?

In many instances, alimony payments are determined through the process of negotiation. This often means that the parties can reach a favorable resolution to both sides. Or there may be a prenuptial agreement in place with a predetermined spousal support payment in place.

If the two parties can determine spousal support on their own, it will be enforced by the court. However, if no agreement can be reached, the court will decide what type of alimony and calculate the final amount.

If, at a later time, either party experiences financial changes, the paying spouse can request a modification of the maintenance payment. Some factors that could be grounds for a modification include:

  •  The remarriage of the receiving spouse.
  •  Either spouse dies.
  •  The receiving spouse finishes their education and becomes self-supporting.

Understanding how alimony is determined can be confusing and typically depends on the unique circumstances surrounding the divorce. Therefore, speaking with your highly qualified spousal support lawyer is the best way to understand your rights and legal options.

How Can Your Law Firm Help Me With My Alimony Issues?

If you and your spouse have reached a point in your marriage where it is best to part and go your separate ways, you will need a skilled attorney who can advocate on your behalf. The Fathers’ Rights Firm is a law firm dedicated to helping clients protect their rights and have peace of mind as they start their new life.

When you choose our law firm to help you with your alimony legal issues, we can sit down and help you determine if spousal support is appropriate for your former spouse or if you are the party who should receive payment.

Spouses must remember that spousal support is not always permanent and only awarded if specific legal criteria are met. In many cases, the calculation the other party uses is different from an actual representation of what the paying spouse can afford to give.

Therefore, it is critical that you have an experienced alimony attorney on your side who can help you understand your legal rights and help you obtain a divorce settlement that is in your best interests.

Contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C., at 1-877-CUSTODY to schedule a strategy session to discuss your case.