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Child Support Attorney in Washington, D.C. Helping Fathers With Complex Child Support Cases

If you are a father going through a divorce or experiencing issues involving child support payments, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure where to turn for help. In addition, issues such as who will pay medical expenses and childcare quickly become contentious and may lead to further problems.

However, our family law firm is dedicated to helping fathers work through their legal issues so they can focus on what is most important, their children.

Our experienced child support attorney will gladly review your case and determine what legal strategies can be utilized to help you obtain a resolution that is in the best interests of you and your child.

Contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C., to learn more about how we may be able to help in your time of need.

How is Child Support Calculated in Washington, D.C.?

The District of Columbia uses a formula for calculating child support. The formula includes a variety of factors. However, one of the main factors is how many overnight visits the child has with each parent. However, the number of nights a child stays with the custodial and non-custodial parent is only one component of determining child support payments.

Some of the other factors that are taken into account when determining a basic child support obligation include:

  •  Wages, salaries, tips, and bonuses.
  •  Social security benefits
  •  Royalties and dividends
  •  Pension or annuity benefits
  •  Workers’ compensation/unemployment benefits.
  •  Income from a trust.
  •  Capital gains.

Additionally, when determining child support, health insurance payments and medical and daycare expenses each parent pays are also added to the formula. However, a child’s college expenses are not applicable when calculating child support.

In most cases, if the non-custodial parent is in a high-income bracket, they will pay more than those who make significantly less money.

Understanding how child support is calculated in Washington, D.C., can be confusing and challenging to try and deal with on your own. Furthermore, you want to be sure you are paying a fair amount to both you and the child. Therefore, it is best that you speak with a knowledgeable attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights.

Do I Have to Go to Court to Have a Child Support Agreement Approved?

Dealing with child support issues can become costly and take a lot of time to resolve. For this reason, it is in both parents’ best interests to create a child support agreement without court intervention.

If the parents can agree to a voluntary child support agreement, they can redirect their attention to their children. However, it is always wise to enlist the help of an experienced attorney who can review the agreement and ensure its enforceability and that it provides for your children’s financial needs.

However, a child support agreement is only legally enforceable once a judge approves it. If the judge decides that the child’s needs are adequately provided for, they will sign it and make it legally binding.

The Fathers’ Rights Firm is dedicated to helping fathers with child support agreements that protect their rights while ensuring the child’s financial well-being.

If you still need help creating a child support agreement to present to the court, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm to schedule an appointment.

Can Child Support Order Be Modified?

Under District of Columbia law, either parent may petition to modify child support. For example, a mother or father may request a modification to increase, decrease, spend, or terminate child support enforcement.

However, there are legal stipulations that must be met before a modification would be granted. The parent requesting the modification must demonstrate that there has been a substantial ability in their ability to meet the child’s financial needs.

Some of the qualifying factors include:

  •  A change in employment, such as when the parent starts a new job, is laid off or retires.
  •  A change in custody arrangements.
  •  A change in the child’s health.
  •  The child is emancipated.
  •  The parent is unable to work due to health issues.
  •  A change in the amount of government benefits received by either parent or the child.

If you are still trying to determine if you would qualify for a reduction of your child support payment, it is always advisable to speak with a knowledgeable attorney who can review your situation and provide solid legal advice.

Why is Your Law Firm the Best Choice to Handle My Child Support Legal Issues?

The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C., is dedicated to helping fathers deal with their legal issues. We understand how frustrating it can be not to have the legal resources you need to feel like your voice is being heard when trying to resolve child support issues.

For this reason, our child support attorney will evaluate your case with your best interests in mind. The Fathers’ Rights Firm can help you craft an informal child support agreement to stand up in court and work for all parties involved.

If you already have a child support agreement but feel you have grounds to modify it, we will review your situation. Typically, judges do not want to modify child support orders unless the petitioner can show a valid reason it is necessary. However, our child support attorney can advise you of what legal strategies we may be able to use to assist you.

Divorce or separation from a spouse is never easy for anyone to deal with alone. Consequently, our law firm is prepared to sit down and listen to your concerns to see how we may be able to help in your time of need.

Contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C., by calling 1-877-CUSTODY and asking to schedule a strategy session with our well-qualified child support attorney, who can advise you of your rights.