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Family Law Attorney in Washington, D.C. Providing a Wide Range of Legal Services For Clients

The relationship we share with our family can be joyful and create wonderful lasting memories. However, in some instances, family relationships can become complicated and lead to legal issues that need to be resolved. However, it can be upsetting even to consider utilizing a lawyer to try and resolve personal issues.

On account of this, most individuals do not like the idea of hiring a lawyer to help them resolve a dispute or other issues affecting their families. Nevertheless, obtaining qualified legal representation is often the only way to obtain a peaceful resolution to legal issues.

A family law attorney can assist you with a wide variety of legal matters so you can go on with your life and focus on what is essential. In addition, a family law attorney can also provide vital estate planning services that can save you precious time and money in the future.

If you need help with a family law matter, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm of Washington, D.C., to schedule a strategy session with our knowledgeable attorney, who can inform you of your rights and explore your legal options.

What Types of Legal Cases Does a Family Law Attorney Handle

A family law attorney is qualified to handle various legal matters. Some of the most common cases family law cases include:

  •  Divorce/separation
  •  Child custody/visitation
  •  Child support
  •  Domestic violence cases
  •  Guardianship
  •  Paternity
  •  Spousal support

It is true that other attorneys also can handle these types of issues. However, it is in your best interest to hire a family lawyer instead. A family lawyer understands how the various legal processes work and how they can best meet your needs.

For example, if your case ends up in family court, you want a legal representative familiar with the laws pertaining to your situation. In addition, other attorneys who typically handle other types of cases may need more familiarity to provide you with sound legal advice.

Why Do I Need a Family Law Attorney to Help Me With a Divorce?

No one ever likes the idea of having to go through a divorce. However, a divorce can quickly become contentious between the soon-to-be former spouses as they consider dividing marital property and who will have custody of their minor children.

Often the judge will order mediation between the two spouses so they can try to work out their differences. A family law attorney can assist you in several ways, including:

  •  First, help you find a mediator that is satisfactory for your needs.
  •  Help you prepare for mediation proceedings.
  •  Finally, evaluate all mediation documents before signing.

A family lawyer can also be invaluable if you are trying to obtain joint custody or visitation rights for your children. Often it is difficult for parents to let go of the animosity they feel for each other and focus on their children.

A family law attorney can act as a neutral third party who can help you and your spouse negotiate a parenting plan that will work for all parties involved and hopefully avoid contention.

If you are even considering the possibility of ending your marriage, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm to schedule an appointment to learn how we may be able to help.

Can a Family Law Attorney Assist Me With Estate Planning?

Many individuals mistakenly believe that their estate will automatically go to their immediate family if they die without a will. However, it is not always that simple, and your family could be left without the financial resources they need after your death.

For this reason, it is essential that you make final preparations through estate planning. Unfortunately, many people think that estate planning is only for the wealthy or elderly. However, through various estate planning tools, you can be assured that your assets go to your designated heirs and beneficiaries.

If you do not leave behind a will, your estate will be subject to the District of Columbia intestacy laws. D.C. intestacy laws mandate that a personal representative be appointed to distribute the estate’s assets. However, the representative is chosen through surviving family members, which may lead to disputes.

One of the simplest ways to avoid family disputes is to visit a family law attorney who can help you craft an estate plan tailor-made for your needs.

Our legal team realizes it can be challenging to think about what will happen when you pass away. However, proper estate planning can help you and your family have peace of mind that your final wishes will be carried out.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring Your Law Firm to Help Me With My Family Law Issues?

The Fathers’ Rights Firm is proud to serve husbands and fathers in D.C. and would be honored to help you with your legal matters. Regardless of whether you need help with divorce negotiations or help defending yourself against allegations of domestic violence, our law firm is prepared to assist you with your needs.

Our legal time recognizes this is an overwhelming time in your life as you try to deal with situations that may impact you for the rest of your life. As a result, we are passionately committed to providing each client with a high level of personalized service. Additionally, we treat all our clients with the kindness and compassion they deserve.

If we agree to take your case, we will immediately begin to look for ways we can work through the matters at hand and reach a favorable resolution for all parties involved.

If you have a family law issue that you need to resolve or are still trying to determine if a family law attorney is the right choice for your needs, contact The Fathers’ Rights Firm at 1-877-CUSTODY to schedule a strategy session.